Doctor Who: The Day Of The Doctor's 10 Biggest Questions Answered

7. Isn't It A Cop-out, That The Previous Doctors Won't Remember The Story?

Doctor Who 50th Tenth Eleventh Doctors Yes, it is. But it's a cop-out that's been used in every multi-Doctor story, and what would the show be like if that excuse wasn't used? Surely when Two was given a choice of face by the Time Lords, he'd choose not to be the third incarnation that he hated. Surely Nine would purposely find Rose, Clara-style. Surely every time the Doctor regenerated from Five onwards, he'd expect to be David Tennant. That's the nature of Time Travel unfortunately: there will always be blips in the show, and it's just as well that the Doctors forget. It would be pretty boring if Eleven knew what to do from the start, and no one likes a smart-arse, do they?

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.