Doctor Who: Ranking The Introductions Of Every Doctor

8. The Power Of The Daleks

With the BBC's haphazard ways of of wiping films to be used again, many of the Second Doctor's stories are lost in the time vortex that is the BBC archive. For whatever reason, the BBC decided not to keep the first episodes of their new Doctor. As such, the modern viewer will never get to see Patrick Troughton take helm of the TARDIS for the first time. However, an audio version of the story does exist, with narration by Anneke Wills (Polly). The story is low on this list for the lack of its existence but more due to the fact the new Doctor is not really seen as an important change. It was a change of character and the audience were pretty much told to accept him, after one episode of Ben and Polly questioning this new man. Maybe if the BBC had cared more about the change, then so would we. If only they had "lost" the previous two stories instead.

Graduate Writer. Big gamer. Loves Doctor Who... a lot.