Doctor Who Series 8: Everything We Know So Far

2. UNIT Are Back For The Finale

Well you didn't expect Steven Moffat to do a full-scale invasion of Earth story without them, did you? Kate Stewart and her science-y assistant Osgood are back to lead the fight against the Cybermen with Osgood having swapped her Zygon-tripping scarf for a rather fetching bowtie since last year. More stylish but not as useful for taking out shapeshifting monsters. Jemma Redgrave and Ingrid Oliver (Kate and Osgood) were spotted filming on location in Wales with groups of Cybermen and UNIT Soldiers, and a gang of gun toting civilians. Which opens up all sorts of questions about who will end up fighting who. Let€™s just hope UNIT can handle the Cybermen better than they did in the 60s. Though since these appear to be the bells and whistles €œupgrade in progress€ Cybermen, the odds don€™t look good. Also, who wants to bet we€™ll get a few nods to 1968€™s The Invasion, or a line about wanting to meet an enemy that isn€™t immune to bullets?


JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.