Doctor Who: Tom Baker’s 10 Best Episodes

9. Seeds Of Doom

Dr Who The Seeds Of DoomGeneral Plot: The Doctor and Sarah get sent by a government minister to investigate the discovery of two mysterious alien seedpods in the Antarctic. Upon arrival, the Doctor quickly realises that the pods are from an alien creature known as a Krynoid, a plant that infects and transforms all life on the planet into carnivorous plants. Eccentric millionaire botanist Harrison Chase sends two men to retrieve the pods for his own collection. Upon arrival, they destroy one pod that had already infected and killed one of the members of the expedition team, and steal the other one for Harrison Chase, who wants to bring about the end of the human race so plants can rule the world. What makes it great: Tom really showcases the range of the Doctor in a really effective way, and this episode shows the Doctor at his most eccentric. There are times in this story where he is mad, funny and downright silly but then, in an instant, he can totally lose his temper €“ something that is seldom done, but just makes it all the more effective when it does. He quips away at the villain and at the ministers, but then would totally flip at them a few moments later. Tom Baker really does this superbly €“ like with The Ark in Space, it really showcases the brilliance of the friendship the Doctor has with Sarah. They are on the same wavelength and end up finishing each other's sentences or completing the others joke. Also, when the Doctor loses it, she is there to humanise him. But the most brilliant aspect is that he introduces her as his best friend. They've redefined the role of the companion in recent years, with the Doctor falling in love with a companion, getting married and travelling with his mother and father-in-law. But in this story, the friendship between the Doctor and Sarah represents my ideal blueprint for the Doctor/Companion relationship. The Doctor does battle with a number of excellent villains in this story. The corrupt civil servant, the self-centred, trigger-happy mercenary and his misguided accomplice and the eccentric millionaire botanist all form an interesting layer for the story. Botanist Harrison Chase is one of the best adversaries in the show's history €“ cold and frighteningly chilling, Chase will stop at nothing to acquire the pod, even murder. He is without mercy and is played to perfection by Tony Beckley. John Challis, known to most as going on to play Boycie in Only Fools and Horses, is simply terrific as the selfish and violent Scorby, who takes delight in the needless killings. He looks out for himself, so when in the later parts he has to rely on others, it's interesting to watch him fall apart. Memorable Quote:Chase: What do you do for an encore Doctor? Doctor: I win.

I'm a massive fan of 24, Prison Break, Boston Legal, Doctor Who and House of Cards. I'm a great fan of rock and roll in particular New Jersey's finest of Bruce Springsteen, The Gaslight Anthem and Bon Jovi. I am a season ticket holder of Southampton FC and I follow basketball too. I moderate two forums: a 24 one ( and a Doctor Who one ( under the name Almeida's Army and am a regular poster on a Bruce Springsteen forum ( under the name Part Man Part Monkey. You can follow me on Twitter @binboy92.