Doctor Who: 10 Awesome Moments From Series 6's US Two-Parter

6. "I'm Pregnant"

As if the shock of the Doctor's death - and his subsequent arrival - hadn't been enough to give the audience a heart attack, Amy's announcement at the end of The Impossible Astronaut was enough to send them over the edge. There had been some hints about it during the episode, including the Doctor's observation that she had put on a couple of pounds since the last time he'd seen her and her bouts of nausea, but what really got the Whovians talking was the person to whom she made this revelation, for the person she was desperate to tell was not Rory but the Doctor. This caused a whole lot of wild, intense speculation. Why would Amy tell the Doctor about her pregnancy before she told her husband? Why did the Doctor look shocked and guilty after Amy told him? The obvious answer would indicate an affair between the Doctor and Amy, and certain events in Day of the Moon would make this seem even more likely, but with Moffat, nothing is ever quite as obvious as it appears. The tension of the scene combined with Amy's unexpected announcement made for an ideal cliffhanger that would leave the audience frantically wondering what happened next and eager for Day of the Moon to air.
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Paula Luther hails from Pennsylvania and has been an avid Whovian since 2008. She enjoys writing (obviously), reading, dancing, video editing, and building websites. She has also self-published two books on Amazon, "Bart the Bard" and "Android Mae and Other Stories".