Doctor Who: 10 Behind The Scenes Decisions We Can't Forgive

6. Revealing That The Moon Is An Egg

Doctor Who Weeping Angel moving Flesh and Stone
BBC Studios

Doctor Who obviously requires some suspension of disbelief if you're going to enjoy it. It deals with a lot of ridiculous concepts, but for the most part, they're easy to accept, because we all know this is a sci-fi show and nothing should be taken too seriously.

But Doctor Who really pushed how far some fans would keep that disbelief suspended in the Series 8 episode Kill The Moon, with the frankly stupid revelation that planet Earth's moon... is actually a giant egg.

It goes without saying that the real-life science behind this is preposterous, but even within the weird and wacky Doctor Who universe, it was a massive stretch.

Even if you can buy the fact that it took until the year 2049 (when the story is set) for humanity to discover that that giant orb in the sky - y'know, the one they've been studying for decades - could be used to make an omelette, the way the newborn alien just immediately lays another egg that is the same size as itself was a beat too far.

It would've been quite easy for writer Peter Harness to set this story on an alien world with an alien moon - where basic logic doesn't necessarily need to apply - but sadly, he didn't. What's next? The oceans are actually Satan's toilet water? Blue sky is a giant smurf buttcheek? Clouds are alien dandruff? Anything is possible!

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.