Doctor Who: 10 Best Historical Figures Who Have Appeared In Nu-Who

8. Charles Dickens

Doctor Who Vincent Van Gogh
BBC Studios

Played by Simon Callow.

Charles Dickens was the first historical figure to show up in the 2005 reboot. We had already seen The Doctor and Rose travel all the way to the literal end of the world, but this was the first time Christopher Eccleston’s ninth Doctor ventured into the past.

Like The Shakespeare Code has a theme fitting for its famous titular playwright, The Unquiet Dead aptly follows the most appropriate Dickens theme of ghosts. Speaking of Shakespeare, one of the clever comedic adjustments Mark Gatiss made in the script was to alter the famous phrase of “What the Dickens?!” to have Charles Dickens himself blunder “What the Shakespeare?!” It’s little amendments like this that make these famous appearances seem so much more realistic. Sure, there are ghost zombies wandering around and there’s a seemingly possessed maid but it is Doctor Who!

Charles Dickens made a second appearance many years later in the series 6 episode The Wedding of River Song. This time his purpose was to highlight the displacement of time, with him appearing on the news promoting his “new book” all about ghosts and Christmas. The story of A Christmas Carol is the perfect reference for this episode which essentially gave The Doctor and River a glimpse of their “Christmas future” if they didn’t break the paradox.

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️