Doctor Who: 10 Best NuWho Episodes

5. Bad Wolf/The Parting Of The Ways

Doctor Who Midnight
BBC Studios

After the successful reintroduction of the Daleks to a modern audience, Davies followed up this story with one of the best NuWho finale to grace our screens. Pretty impressive considering this was only the first season!

This two-part story sees the ninth Doctor face his match with almost a million genetically modified Daleks. Oh, and fight off against mid-2000s game show hosts. What’s not to love?

Whilst Bad Wolf has received some criticism for this admittedly dated element of the show, it nevertheless sets up a haunting dystopian future where humans are subjected to life or death games, only for the truth to be revealed that losing contestants are transported to Dalek ships to be turned into abominations.

Robert Shearman’s fascinating concept of a half human/half Dalek combination is built upon to make the monsters the most terrifying they have ever reached in the revival era (the series four finale also comes as a close second!).

Joe Ahearne gave us two of the best directed NuWho episodes, with haunting visuals and who could forget Murray Gold’s electrifying score, which manages to both thrill and create emotional resonance as we build towards The Doctor’s regeneration.

Eccleston truly was magnificent as the first Doctor to endear us to the character once again and is able to go out with a bang with a cheeky grin and his signature “Fantastic!” in a golden blaze of glory. This story reaches incredible heights, proudly earning the titles of best season finale and regeneration story all in one go!

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Writer. Lover of film and scarily obsessed with Doctor Who, Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar and Harry Potter.