Doctor Who: 10 Best TARDIS Interior Designs

2. The 'Fugitive' Doctor's TARDIS (2020)

Doctor Who classic TARDIS interior
BBC Studios

Put the pitch-forks down. No matter what you think of Jo Martin’s Doctor, or of the whole “Timeless Child” story-arc, you can’t deny that this console room is a thing of BEAUTY. If Doctor Who were revived today instead of in 2005, you can bet that this is probably the kind of look we’d have gotten instead.

It’s the classic Hartnell interior and console with a modern make-over, fully realised in a three-dimensional set! The lighting is the right balance of moody and dramatic, yet bright enough to see what you’re doing, and the turquoisey-green of the console further accentuated into the walls and roundels? Gorgeous! Even those illuminated floor panels around the console, presumably there to show travelling Time Lords the most appropriate place to stand when piloting, is a genuinely nice touch.

Why this interior wasn't used for Jodie's Doctor is truly baffling. The world is ready for the return of the retro folks, give the people what they want! If there's one thing we can look forward to with Season 13, it's hopefully seeing this interior once more.

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A mostly bored individual who finds solace in ranting and discussing Doctor Who to anyone who cares and wants to listen. Likes Doctor Who so much he trained professionally as an actor to increase his chances of snagging the title role. Also likes other things as well. Would describe himself as a semi-hipster.