9. Matt Smith's Weeping Angels (Time Of Angels / Flesh & Stone)
It was thought Blink was undoubtedly Doctor Who's finest hour in 50 years. It introduced probably the most frightening villain in science fiction history while the Doctor himself was only present for about 5 minutes of the episode, having to save the day from 40 years in the past... well, 38. The idea that a creature who could literally consume you in the time it takes for a single blink was the product of someone's worst nightmare, passed along to every single Whovian. Have you blinked since you hit this page? Probably not, and that's the best part of Blink. That's why the two parter Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, in some regards, was absolute rubbish. It reintroduced River, which was great, and it established that any likeness of a Weeping Angel can harness the same power as a stone Weeping Angel, which was even better. Keep your eyes on the screen... However, just the very concept of the Angels talking, even through the consciousness of Bob, and actually seeing Angels move completely robbed us of what were once terrifying enigmatic villains and were now no more threatening than Daleks or Cybermen. It's somewhat forgivable just because all Angel outings were written by Steven Moffat and he made it up to fans with the fantastic, albeit plot hole ridden The Angels Take Manhattan. The idea of the Statue of Liberty being their queen was completely genius.
Steve is an unrepentant nerd who enjoys all things Disney, Doctor Who, and Star Trek. He is currently finishing his undergraduate degree in political science at Temple University and divides his time between his homes in Philadelphia and Orlando.