Doctor Who: 10 Characters From Other TV Shows Who Would Make Great Companions

8. Delenn €“ Babylon 5

delenn It seems as if the Doctor always has a human companion and they€™re generally from the present day. For one episode, The Snowmen, the writers toyed with the idea of the Doctor travelling with a Silurian, a human and a Sontaran €“ not that much travelling was really being done. And they were pretty much dropped, or so it seems, when he found a human to travel with. Obviously, it€™s more relatable for the audience to have a human on-board but for once it would be nice to have an alien by his side. It€™s for this reason that I think Delenn would be a perfect companion for the Doctor. She€™s an alien from the future but that€™s not all she has to offer. She started off quite shy but grew to become decisive, articulate and strong willed: qualities that are useful for a companion to have. Despite being a military leader, she would get along well with the Doctor as both despise violence and will only fight when necessary. Another perk of the Doctor taking Delenn along for trips in the TARDIS, is that, like him, she has a much longer life expectancy than humans. This means that the pair could travel together for years, without the Doctor having to cope with losing yet another friend.
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Hayley is a twenty year old student, studying Creative Writing and Sociology at the University of Winchester. In her spare time she writes her novel, sings in a musical theatre choir and goes to the gym. For her creative writing blog: Or follow her on twitter: @miss_hayley_may