Doctor Who: 10 Characters Who Should Return For The 60th Anniversary (And Beyond)

1. The Eleventh Doctor

Doctor Who Martha Jones
BBC Studios

Most Doctor Who anniversaries have featured some sort of Doctor team-up, going right back to the tenth birthday special, The Three Doctors.

So, it stands to reason that at least one former face should make an appearance in the 60th anniversary... but who?

David Bradley, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, and Paul McGann all recently made cameos in The Power of the Doctor, so it would feel strange to see them again so soon. That leaves Tom Baker out of the classic Doctors, but with The Power of the Doctor being such a love-letter to the classic era, it feels like a NuWho Doctor is more likely for the 60th.

Christopher Eccleston has a frosty relationship with the show and has openly shot down a multi-Doctor return, as has Peter Capaldi. David Tennant is already back and Jodie Whittaker literally just left – which leaves a certain Raggedy Man as the most likely candidate.

Given that Matt Smith hasn't played the Doctor since 2013, he's been away long enough for a comeback to feel earned. He also still looks the part, so could slip right back into Eleven's original timeline without the need for an aging excuse – though if something like that was required, then just say he nipped out for a quick adventure during the centuries he spent on Trenzalore.

It would be disappointing if such a momentous occasion didn't feature past Doctors in some small way, and now feels like the right time for Smith to don the bow tie and tweed jacket once again.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.