Doctor Who: 10 Characters Who Should Return For The 60th Anniversary (And Beyond)

2. Susan Foreman

Doctor Who Martha Jones
BBC Studios

The entire reason Doctor Who is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2023 is because, on 23 November 1963, a nosey pair of teachers followed a schoolgirl home.

Those teachers were Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright, and the student was Susan Foreman, the granddaughter of the Doctor.

Susan travelled with her grandfather for about a year until she left the show to pursue a relationship with a freedom fighter named David. Since then, she has cropped up a handful of times in various special episodes, with her last appearance coming in 1993's Dimensions in Time, a crossover between Doctor Who and Eastenders.

Yes, that was a real thing.

If for no other reason than to give her a better sendoff than that, Susan must appear in the 60th anniversary specials. Actress Carole Anne Ford is more than game for a return, telling Radio Times earlier this year that she'd "adore" one further appearance in the show.

Russell T Davies has even been teasing her return, and given how big an occasion the 60th is, it's the perfect opportunity for the Doctor to fulfil the promise he made Susan all those years ago: "One day, I shall come back".

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.