Doctor Who: 10 Craziest Methods Ever Used To Beat A Dalek

5. Get It To Absorb Human DNA (Dalek)

Dalek was a Ninth Doctor adventure from 2005 that saw the Doctor and Rose Tyler arrive in 2012 to answer a distress signal and meet a collector of alien artefacts who had possession of a living but damaged specimen. However, the Doctor was horrified to find out that the creature was a Dalek - a race he obviously had a history with and one that he thought was extinct. The Dalek feigned helplessness and won Rose's sympathy, which made her touch it to console it. However, this enabled the Dalek to absorb her DNA and regenerate in order to become powerful enough to escape. Over time, though, it also gave it human emotion and caused it to kill itself through guilt.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.