Doctor Who: 10 Defining Moments In River Song's Timeline

10. In The Beginning

To say that River Song was a miracle birth is an understatement. Conceived aboard the TARDIS whilst it was in flight on Amy and Rory's wedding night, she was subsequently born with Time Lord tendencies, including the ability to regenerate, but her conception was only just the beginning of the timey-wimey tribulations that would define her throughout the rest of her life. Her eventual death was always written in the stars, too, but let's not get ahead ourselves. It didn't really help matters that Amy Pond initially couldn't even decide if she was actually pregnant or not. As it turns out, it wasn't even Amy at all. Unbeknownst to Rory and the Doctor (although the latter had his suspicions), the girl who waited had been kidnapped by Madame Kovarian, an associate of the Silence religious order, who used Amy and Rory, and subsequently their child, as pawns in her ploy to stop the Doctor from ever reaching Trenzalore where he had prevented the planet's centuries-long siege. With him as its protector, the Time Lords' were unable to reignite the Time War and ultimately bring about the end of the universe. The Silence were so named because their mission was to stop the oldest question in the universe, "Doctor who?", being asked as that would allow the Time Lords' to return to our world from the confines of their pocket universe. There was lots of other timey-wimey escapades along the way but that's the general gist of it to cut a very long story short. Back to the first half of Series 6, though, and as a doppelgänger version of Amy was getting up to all kinds of shenanigans in the TARDIS, her real life counterpart was being closely monitored by Kovarian in an alien hospital on Demons Run and her unborn child was being prepared as the girl who would one day grow up to murder the Doctor once and for all. Amy named her daughter Melody Pond (much cooler than Melody Williams) but before she knew it, her baby was whisked away by Kovarian to be raised as the ultimate killing machine, which brings us to...
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via