Doctor Who: 10 Episodes Perfect For A Film Remake

3. The War Games (Second Doctor)

doctor who war games The War Games was one of the first Classic Who episodes I ever watched, and seems to be a popular choice for two reasons €“ the attempted scope of the story is epic and the first appearance of the Time Lords in a major, named role. The story? A race known as The Aliens have been kidnapping and brainwashing soldiers from various wars in Earth€™s history and setting them against each other in a series of war games. Hold the phone, right there. That€™s an action blockbuster right there, scores of soldiers from across history combining tactics and technology and taking each other on in all sorts of location, terrestrial and extra-terrestrial. It€™s a shame the Doctor has to show up and put a stop to it at all really. The Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe, all in their last appearances, put a stop to the conspiracy, but in order to stop the War Chief (another member of the Doctor€™s mysterious race), the Doctor is forced to call upon the Time Lords to put a stop to his history-shaking shenanigans. The Time Lords put the Doctor on trial for interfering in history. It was epic back then €“ the runtime is four (occasionally frustrating) hours and it would be epic now. Consider this serial with the possibilities of modern special effects, showing the historical battlefields and first appearance of the Time Lords, and the depth of a modern BBC budget. Would we see a bit more of pre-Time War Gallifrey? Maybe. Confirmation that the War Chief is an earlier regeneration of the Master, as it was later hypothesized? Hopefully. Would people watch it? Yes.
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Doctor Who
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I'm a 19 year old Arts student from Melbourne Australia, who finds it really awkward to write in third person. Other things I do awkwardly are watch TV and write far too much about fictional characters.