Doctor Who: 10 Episodes That Should Have Changed Things Forever (But Didn't)

5. Doctor Who The Movie (Paul McGann)

Some do not consider the TV Movie to be canon but since the regeneration was rightly recognised in the 50th anniversary special, Paul McGann€™s Doctor gets to stand pride of place with his other selves. Unfortunately, this also mean that everything that happened in that episode also has to be accepted as canon, except the Doctor being haof human, that was a joke. Honest. So, and there is no way to put this delicately but for avoidance of profanity, what the %^&*ing h%^l was that snake thing that the Master was supposedly moving around in? And we€™re not talking about Eric Roberts, let€™s not even go there, but what was the transparent snake thing all about? Do we now accept that all Timelords, when exterminated by the Daleks, have the ability to coalesce into a snake, possess a human body and keep it alive for long enough to steal another Timelord€™s lives? The Master has always been resourceful but this seems an odd thing for a Timelord to be able to do. While we€™re at it, The Master was eaten by the TARDIS. If we remember this was the Eye of Harmony, which we know to be a star frozen in the moment of collapsing into a black hole. It is what powers the TARDIS through time and space and falling into it should have ripped The Master€™s atoms and stretched them to infinity. Despite this being the end for our great nemesis, the Timelords then €œbrought him back€ during the last days of the time war. Only for him to use a pocket-watch to turn himself human and be found on the Shores of the Silver Devastation, or whatever word soup tombola name place the writer pulled out that week, with regenerations to spare. We should also mention the other twice that The Master dies even in just the new episodes so we should expect to see him appear in the first series for Peter Capaldi.

I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.