Doctor Who: 10 Final Candidates For The 12th Doctor

3. Paterson Joseph

Paterson Jospeh Paterson Joseph is a funny guy. If you€™ve ever seen Peep Show, you know this to be true €“ his role as Mark€™s boss Alan Johnson is something I€™ve always found unexplainably hilarious, entirely because of Joseph€™s evoking of a slightly disturbing sexually-charged confidence. Of course that€™s not the only string to his actor€™s bow, but I had to mention it because it€™s goddamned hilarious. The man was there-or-thereabouts the front runner during the speculation on casting the Eleventh Doctor and support for his application has not died down since then €“ not only would the show be getting its first black Timelord (regardless of colour-blind casting, still a huge milestone), they€™d also be getting a very talented man to boot. An accomplished theatre actor, Joseph€™s been rocking the West End for some time, working in the lauded Royal Shakespeare Company and picking up plaudits for other plays. He€™s also kept himself busy on the TV, starring in shows such as the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, the critically lauded Sexual Traffic and other well-received but lesser-known dramas. What Paterson€™s problem (if you can call it that) appears to be is that while he€™s very good, he just needs something big enough to sink his teeth into. The man€™s clearly got talent and rocks wherever he goes €“ he€™s my favourite character in The Beach, entirely because he just loves cricket €“ so it might be time for him to take a step up to the big leagues. He can clearly play the Doctor€™s inner torment €“ he€™s an RSC alumni, for god€™s sake €“ is well-prepared for comedy parts and can handle anything you throw at him. The fact he€™s already starred in Doctor Who, both in audiobook form (in Earth Aid) and on TV €“ as a contestant during Rose€™s stint on a futuristic Weakest Link €“ can€™t hurt his chances either. Neither can the fact he has a voice that could make a wolverine purr.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.