Doctor Who: 10 Funniest Moments From Nu-Who

8. €œThat€™s All Right Mr. Nixon. You Were My Second Choice For President€

MarkSH A couple obvious points to note here. First €“ Mark Sheppard can clearly do no wrong and improves the awesomeness of anything he appears in by roughly 7.6%. And Second €“ It€™s rare that you see as sympathetic a portrayal of Nixon as we ended up getting in €˜The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon€™. In fact, I think €˜never€™ is the word that I€™m looking for. And yet, it€™s undeniable that in this two parter we€™re given a Nixon who €“ while flawed €“ is not a terrible person. The episode even underscores this by having River upbraid the Doctor for refusing to acknowledge that in addition to Watergate and Viet Nam he actually did also did some good things as well. Which is why I like this moment toward the beginning of Nixon€™s involvement in the story. It works as both a good joke and an interesting character moment. For those who haven€™t seen it recently, what happens is this €“ Nixon is lecturing Canton Everett Delaware III (the lovely and talented Mark Sheppard) about the mission he€™s been selected for. In a moment of one-upmanship he tells Canton flat out that he was his second choice for this mission. To which Canton calmly replies in kind with the quote above. There are again two things to notice about the exchange. -We are totally on Canton€™s side because we haven€™t seen much of Nixon yet and as I mentioned, it€™s traditional to rag on him as much as possible. (Not entirely undeservedly, but still€) So the joke is on Nixon. But€ -Canton is talking to the most powerful man in the country, arguably the most powerful man on the planet. And he basically insults him to his face. And Nixon lets it go. Sure, you could argue that he needs Canton€™s help so he€™s letting him off easily, but he sure doesn€™t seem to resent Canton in any way after that. If anything it makes them sort of chummy. That says a lot about who he is (if only fictionally in this instance. Your real-world-Nixon mileage may vary)

Mikey is, in no particular order, a freelance writer, improvisational comedian, volunteer firefighter, playwright, Bon Vivant, and Jane Espenson enthusiast. Born in the small mining town of Eden Prairie, MN, he has some 40 years later successfully moved about 20 miles north of there to the City of Brooklyn Center, MN where he lives with an unreasonable number of dogs. If you'd like to hear him discuss something other than Doctor Who while pretending to be a dog, check out or follow him on twitter at @the42ndVizlsa