Doctor Who: 10 Great Fourth Doctor Stories

6. City of Death (Story 105, 1979) Probably the most popular of the back-end of the Baker stories, this one has Julian Glover as an alien, has John Cleese in a cameo role, was co-written by Douglas Adams and was filmed on location in Paris and features Tom Baker at his manic, €œlate years€ best, and Romana (Lalla Ward) at her very best. Now I€™ll admit that the green-tentacled, bug-eye face of the bad guy in this one just€doesn€™t work. It makes Scaroth a bit more of a laughable threat than he should be, though the scenes of his ship are quite well-done. But make-up aside, everything else about this story is just glorious, and you really have to love the wonderful scene of the Doctor scribbling €œthis is a fake!€ on canvases designed to be used for painting the Mona Lisa.
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at