Doctor Who: 10 Historical Figures That Need To Be Explored

8. George Washington

doctor who jack the ripper

The American Revolutionary War is another historical setting that fans have been asking after for some time, and with Doctor Who finally achieving some mainstream popularity overseas in the last decade, visiting what is arguably the most significant period in America's history seems a surefire hit.

It's a rich period of history that seems to often be skimmed over in the show - perhaps because Great Britain spent much of this century terrorising the rest of the world and generally being the bad guys all over the place. This might be a period the writers aren't keen on visiting, but dropping a British companion into this time period to witness what the rest of the world thought of us could be interesting.

The star of the show here would of course be George Washington, leader of the patriot forces in the war for independence and eventual first president of the United States, but there are plenty of other famous historical faces that could show up here: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton to name just a few. Have the Doctor and the gang present at the signing of the declaration of independence and you'll even have the opportunity to mark down a full house on your founding fathers bingo card.

We have one particular little tidbit of historical mystery that the show could latch onto and develop too - there was a widespread abundance of body-snatching around this time, with fallen soldiers mysteriously disappearing from their graves. Whilst this has been attributed in the past to medical professionals stealing away cadavers for research and dissection purposes, this is exactly the kind of intrigue that the show could dig its teeth into and put its own spin on. You could also explore Washington's less heroic side, as the man is known to have owned slaves.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.