Doctor Who: 10 Huge Questions After The Power Of The Doctor

1. Will Russell T Davies Bring Back Any Other Characters From The Chibnall Era?

Doctor Who The Power Of The Doctor Sacha Dhawan the Master
BBC Studios

Aside from Sacha Dhawan’s Master, are there other characters or villains from the Chibnall run that Russell T Davies might bring back? It’s fair to say that there are no obvious contenders when it comes to the Doctor’s enemies. Unlike Davies’ Ood and Moffat’s Weeping Angels, none of them are memorable enough to warrant a revisit.

That’s not to say Davies couldn’t find a new angle for one of the more obscure villains. This is, after all, the same showrunner who brought back the Macra. The Pting, for instance, is almost certainly a type of alien one can imagine Russell having some fun with. Though we can probably rule out a return for the more ethereal beings like the Ux, the Ravagers, and Time.

And what of the Division and the Doctor’s forgotten past? That fob watch is, after all, still inside the TARDIS, waiting to be opened. Davies has the freedom to ignore it completely, without breaking continuity. The Doctor now has the choice to no longer self-identify as a Time Lord, allowing for a soft reboot if Davies so chooses.

Chibnall’s most memorable character has to be Jo Martin’s Fugitive Doctor, making her the prime candidate for a return. She is simply too good to ignore, whether as an occasional hologram giving advice and assistance to the new Doctor, or in a future multi-Doctor special.

Vinder is another character who can’t be forgotten. Even if he may have originally been written in to replace Captain Jack due to John Barrowman’s unavailability, the fact that he is ready to help the Doctor as and when they need him would make it strange if he just disappeared. There’s no reason to assume we will never see him and Bel again - watch this space.

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Paul Driscoll is a freelance writer and author across a range of subjects from Cult TV to religion and social policy. He is a passionate Doctor Who fan and January 2017 will see the publication of his first extended study of the series (based on Toby Whithouse's series six episode, The God Complex) in the critically acclaimed Black Archive range by Obverse Books. He is a regular writer for the fan site Doctor Who Worldwide and has contributed several essays to Watching Books' You and Who range. Recently he has branched out into fiction writing, with two short stories in the charity Doctor Who anthology Seasons of War (Chinbeard Books). Paul's work will also feature in the forthcoming Iris Wildthyme collection (A Clockwork Iris, Obverse Books) and Chinbeard Books' collection of drabbles, A Time Lord for Change.