Doctor Who: 10 Huge Questions After The Power Of The Doctor

8. Who Was The Child The Doctor Saw?

Doctor Who The Power Of The Doctor Sacha Dhawan the Master
BBC Studios

The cargo that the Cybermen are so eager to steal from the train first appears to the Doctor in the form of a young girl. Although played by a different actor to those seen fleetingly in The Timeless Children, it’s not a stretch to assume that we are at least meant to think that this is another face belonging to the Timeless Child - another forgotten regeneration, and a potential fresh clue to the Doctor’s lost past.

That only becomes more plausible when the Doctor realises that this child is in fact a clever disguise of a Qurunx. In self-defence, this entity projects onto itself the image of a person, creature, or thing that the viewer would most want to protect.

But the Timeless Child arc has clearly been abandoned in this episode, with Chibnall making sure that nothing is said that might open up that particular can of worms. After the Fugitive Doctor appears as a hologram, there is no attempt to mine her for information, and the Doctor remains content with not knowing the answers. In The Vanquishers, her search for the truth led her to the realisation that the present moment always matters more. Her family history is unimportant compared to the new family she has assembled. For now at least, the fob watch remains buried inside the TARDIS.

Yaz also sees the same girl, a sign that she isn’t someone either of them know. Instead, the vision taps into the parental instinct to keep any child safe from harm.

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Doctor Who
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Paul Driscoll is a freelance writer and author across a range of subjects from Cult TV to religion and social policy. He is a passionate Doctor Who fan and January 2017 will see the publication of his first extended study of the series (based on Toby Whithouse's series six episode, The God Complex) in the critically acclaimed Black Archive range by Obverse Books. He is a regular writer for the fan site Doctor Who Worldwide and has contributed several essays to Watching Books' You and Who range. Recently he has branched out into fiction writing, with two short stories in the charity Doctor Who anthology Seasons of War (Chinbeard Books). Paul's work will also feature in the forthcoming Iris Wildthyme collection (A Clockwork Iris, Obverse Books) and Chinbeard Books' collection of drabbles, A Time Lord for Change.