Doctor Who: 10 Incomplete Stories That Really Need To Turn Up

8. The Web of Fear - 5/6 Episodes Missing

08 The return of the Yeti, a monster that appeared earlier in the same season and certainly proved to be a success. This story features a number of exciting action sequences and battles between the robotic baddies and the army, which unfortunately is only currently represented by some stock music in the soundtrack. This story is very high on many people's lists of stories they wished would reappear due to the fact that it is a very visual piece. The set design of this story is legendary, to the point where the BBC received complaints about filming in the London Underground which never actually happened! It all happened in the studio. The claustrophobic feeling that the soundtrack gives may very well be seen on screen again soon if it is amongst the rediscovered episodes.
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I'm a scriptwriting graduate and a keen writer. A huge Doctor Who fan, amongst other things. I'm a teacher, novelist and occasional DJ with many interests.