Doctor Who: 10 Major Ways The Doctor Affected Human History
3. Accidentally Saving Hitler

The Doctor has made many mistakes in their time, but saving Hitler's life is definitely up there with the worst of them. Although, to be fair, not all of this mess was the Doctor's fault.
It was Amy and Rory's "best friend" Mels who hijacked the TARDIS at gunpoint. It was Mels who then shot the TARDIS, sending it spiraling out of control. And it was the useless Teselecta that was trying to punish Hitler in the first place.
Regardless, the Doctor definitely did crash-land on top of the Teselecta and prevented it from carrying out its method of justice. Hardly his finest moment. The only silver lining here is that we got the brilliant scene of Rory punching Hitler, before escorting him to a cupboard and locking him in there. That's one way to deal with a tyrannical dictator.
This is less a case of the Doctor affecting established human history, and more a case of him preventing it from going off the rails. Although, if the result was a dead Führer, then that's an alternate path that's no doubt worth embracing.