Doctor Who: 10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About The TARDIS

10. The TARDIS Has An Asteroid Named After It

Asteroid 3325 in the main asteroid belt was christened 3325 TARDIS upon its discovery by Brian A. Skiff in May, 1984. Interestingly, 3325 TARDIS was first discovered in the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, a state that has been visited by the Doctor many times, compared to other sites in the USA, over the course of his history (as well as its neighbouring state of Utah, a key feature of the Impossible Astronaut arc in the Eleventh Doctor€™s run). The tribute is a worthy one, of course, as asteroids have occasionally figured into Doctor Who mythos. Our very own, real, asteroid belt is said to have originally orbited Planet 5, home of the Fendahls, and been removed from the solar system by the Time Lords in 12 Million BC. Asteroids have housed many key locations in new Who, including Demon's Run, the Delirium Archive and the Shadow Proclamation headquarters. As the TARDIS has travelled across space and onto many asteroids in its time, it is an apt commemoration to the TARDIS's whirling journeys across our own solar system and the galaxies beyond our reach. A small symbol, it can be said, of humanity's own desire to push the edges of knowledge and map the stars.
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.