4. The Crusade (Story 014, 1965, Episodes 2 and 4 out of 4 are missing)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJgUcCfXbH0 WHY WE MISS IT: From all accounts, this is a really great story. The Doctor and friends arrive in Jerusalem during the Third Crusade, and encounter the likes of Saladin and King Richard I. Theres also excellent guest stars like Jean Marsh and Julian Glover. Its certainly one thats very high up on the list of stories most fans want to see in completed form. CHANCE FOR RECOVERY: Very likely In 1999, episode three was found in New Zealand. It turned out that the whole thing had been sold to, but not aired by, the NZBC. If there was one episode there, the odds are that others are probably kicking around somewhere. That combined with the appearances of Glover and Marsh make this one that I would wager will be recovered within the next few years.
Chris Swanson
Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at wilybadger.wordpress.com
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