Doctor Who: 10 More Actresses Who Could Play The 12th Doctor

2. Maisie Williams

maisie_williams_maisie_williams_2c7hpYn.sizedHer Companion: Joe Dempsie The relationship between Gendry (Dempsy) and Arya (Williams) in 'Thrones is a legendary one in certain back-alleys of the internet where the age-of-consent laws don't apply so it's clear they work well together. Besides it would be really nice to get Dempsie back on British television. He's missed. Her Master: Chloe Grace Moretz Kind of breaking the 'British rule' but then the Master has been played by American Eric Robert so she wouldn't be the first. Chloe Moretz kind of is Williams' real life parallel. They both acted in uber-violent hyper-real properties. They both stand out in those properties as the best characters (Peter Dinklage withstanding). It would be illogical not to make them face off. Gods, I make it sound like a dog-fighting ring. Her Doctor Yeah, I just went there! And yeah, this is happening. I went through about every British actress out there, Kira Knightly, Kate Winslett, Emily Blunt and none of them have half the charisma, authority or charm of this one 16 year old (13 pictured). Williams is the most bad-ass character in a show about bad-ass characters. In a world where women are constantly downtrodden and seen as nothing more than pretty little bargaining chips Williams' Arya is the night and day opposite of that. The Doctor's regenerations seem to be getting younger so why not go the whole way? Williams has more than enough talent to pull it off.
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