Doctor Who: 10 Most Poetic Moments

6. The Lone Centurion (The Big Bang)

Doctor Who

With the introduction of the Eleventh Doctor, we were also introduced to his new companions, newly engaged Amy Pond, and Rory Williams. At first, the relationship between the companions seems doomed as Amy repeatedly choose to travel with the Doctor over spending time with her fiancé, and when their relationship finally seems solid again, Rory is killed and then erased from time - and Amy's memory, too.

Seeing Rory reappear in the first part of series finale 'The Pandorica Opens' begs more than a few questions. By the end of the episode, it is revealed that he is in fact an Auton duplicate containing Rory's consciousness as part of a trap for Amy and the Doctor.

After his programming forces him to shoot Amy, she is placed inside the Pandorica as a form of life support. Having regained his memories and humanity, an emotionally distraught Rory is told that if he places her body inside the Pandorica, it will eventually be able to restore her. He places her inside, but instead of travelling forward with the Doctor to the present day, he elects to make use of his Auton body's longevity and wait two thousand years in order to protect the Pandorica containing the woman he loves. He proved his love in the most epic fashion imaginable.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.