Doctor Who: 10 One Off Monsters Who Should Return (And The Stories They Need)

8. The Gods of Ragnarok

8 ragnarok

Doctor Who has certainly been getting €˜bigger€™ since its revival and not just in terms of popularity. Look at what is at stake from season to season. The Earth (season one), to parallel worlds (two), the universe (three), reality itself (four) and then actually having to fixing time and space rather than prevent its damage (five and six). This means the enemies should grow too, being bigger and badder, perhaps no race can bring this to the plate like The Old Ones can. Older than the universe and seemingly limitless in power, they have the potential to be series focuses is they were to threaten the universe as a whole. The Great Intelligence also happens to be a member of the Old Ones, showing that another appearance from his kind would not be totally out of place in the new Who series. Other members include Fenric and The Gods of Ragnarok from Seventh Doctor stories The Curse of Fenric and The Greatest Show in the Galaxy. The Gods of Ragnarok have particular potential as they created the Land of Fiction, wherein the Doctor was trapped during the Patrick Troughton story The Mind Robber, because of their need for entertainment from lesser creatures. I would personally love to see them being tied more into the actual Nordic event of Ragnarök, the three Gods destined to be responsible for it transpiring but instead search for entertainment to avoid their fate. The Doctor is the only one who can bring this about, explaining that Ragnarök is as much about renewal and life as it is about death but before he can the Gods throwh the Doctor and his companion back into the Land of Fiction. Now there€™s a cliffhanger for you.
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A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24