Doctor Who: 10 Reasons To Miss The Eleventh Doctor

9. Style

matt-smith-doctor-who-bow-tie I'm part of a group on Facebook called 'Whovians Nationwide', a collection of avid Who fans who discuss the show regularly. I opened the question to them, "What will you miss about Matt Smith?" and the first response was "Fezzes!" It's probably an image that we'll hold of this Doctor for years to come: fez, red bow tie, and maybe the mop, if you particularly enjoyed that episode. The Eleventh Doctor's had a distinctive style; bow ties and tweed jackets are cooler than they ever have been thanks to Matt Smith (he suggested both of them and the jacket's really his!) and whether it's a Stetson, a top hat or the fabled fez, Matt's pulled it off. And that's not mentioning the brilliant hair. Why did he have to cut that off? The Doctor's something of a fashion icon again, and it'll be sad not to see any more wacky variations on Smith's costume. And the bow tie and jacket really did suit Eleven; eccentric, but it just fits.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.