Doctor Who: 10 Secrets Of Skaro You Need To Know

2. Its High Levels Of Pollution Create Acidic Rainfall

Doctor Who Genesis Of The Daleks Muto

With the Kaleds and the Thals blowing each other to smithereens during the Thousand Year War, and the Daleks shooting anything that moves, it's fair to say that nobody on Skaro is all that concerned about the environment.

For proof, we need only look at the insane levels of pollution that plague vast portions of the planet.

In the video game story City Of The Daleks - which was once described by BBC exec Piers Wenger as being an official part of the Doctor Who universe - the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond take a trip to Kaalann, the capital city of Skaro. Upon arrival, the Doctor tells Amy that it never stops raining, and that the atmosphere is made up of "thirty percent sulphuric acid". This is because Kaalann contains a bunch of Dalek factories that are constantly spewing toxins into the air.

To put it another way, acid rain hurts, and it falls all the time on Skaro.

A rainy Skaro was shown in the opening scene of Series 7's Asylum Of The Daleks, although, in this case, we don't get a good sense of how acidic this rain actually is.

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