Doctor Who: 10 Similarities Between The Classic And Revived Series

1. Companion Deaths & Sacrifices

THE NEW: What would the Doctor be without death dogging his very heels? For a man constantly trying to be a noble light and a moral guide in a universe full of darkness, his travels are full of sacrifices, collateral damage and loved ones dying at the hands of his most formidable foes. Who can forget Rose Tyler, who looked into the Heart of the TARDIS, or Clara who leapt into his time stream and splintered herself across time to stop the Great Intelligence? Who can forget his daughter Jenny who took a bullet for him, or Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister (yes, everyone knows who she is) sacrificing herself at the hands - or plungers - of the Daleks? Who can forget Donna Noble, for a moment the most important woman in the universe, and now forced to forget? His friends may make him human by their wonder and moral compass but they make him all too human by their deaths, too.

THE OLD: Which is why it is even more depressing that the loss of companions is not one which is unique to the modern series, but a trait which has followed him all throughout his life. From his first incarnation (Katarina, Dodo Chaplet, Sara Kingdom), his fifth (Adric, Kamelion, Robert McIntosh), his seventh (Hex), his eighth (Lucie Miller, Tamsin Drew, Alex Campbell, Jemma, C€™rizz) end even the War Doctor (Cinder) - and those are just the ones who have travelled with the Doctor long enough to be considered his companion. Even Jamie and Zoe, companions of the Second Doctor, in a similar fashion to Donna Noble, had their memories wiped by the Time Lords and sent home. They all gave their lives to save worlds, universes, and the Doctor himself - and even after 51 years of this show being broadcast, this has never changed.

What do you think of this list? Are there any other similarities between the Classic Series and NuWho? Join the conversation in the comments below.
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An obsessed Doctor Who watcher, reader, listener, and occasionally writer. Consult for all your Big Finish and useless trivia needs.