Doctor Who: 10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Doctor

1. The Doctor Is A Pacifist

The End Of Time Part 2 Doctor Who
BBC Studios
"Make the foundation of this society a man who never would!" - The Tenth Doctor, The Doctor's Daughter.

Except, he would, and he has. The Doctor's history of pacifism and his distaste towards guns and violence has largely defined the 21st century era of the show. However, this history is very patchy indeed.

In the Doctor's very first onscreen adventure into the past, he almost brained a caveman with a rock. The Reign Of Terror then sees the First Doctor batter a man round the head with a shovel. Some might say that the First Doctor was a little bit unfinished and softened with age, but just look at the evidence from other Doctors:

- The Fourth Doctor smashed through a skylight and twisted a guy's neck in The Seeds of Doom. Smooth.

- The Fifth Doctor blasted a Cyberman to death in Earthshock, and put a gun to Davros' head in Resurrection of the Daleks.

- The Sixth Doctor strangled his companion, threw some henchmen in an acid bath, and gassed Shockeye to death.

- The Seventh Doctor blew up Skaro.

- The Eleventh Doctor left Solomon to die in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.

The man who never would? Pull the other one.

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Doctor Who The End Of Time David Tennant regeneration
BBC Studios

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.