Doctor Who: 10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Doctor
9. The Doctor Always Regenerates In The TARDIS

Jodie Whittaker's regeneration wasn't just a big deal because of who she regenerated into - it also marked the first time in the modern era that the Doctor regenerated outside the TARDIS.
This idea of the Doctor always regenerating in the TARDIS took hold during the RTD years, and you'd be forgiven for thinking that there was a precedent in the classic series. However, it's only the First, Fifth, and Sixth Doctors who actually regenerate inside the TARDIS - and with much less damage to their surroundings.
So it's odd that this notion has stuck with the show since it returned in 2005, especially given how unsafe it is to regenerate inside the TARDIS. The Sixth Doctor is under attack when he regenerates, and the TARDIS appears to operate itself in The Tenth Planet.
In the modern series? Everything explodes, and a slightly frazzled Doctor momentarily forgets what the hell is going on. It's no wonder they eventually ejected the Thirteenth Doctor out the doors at the end of Twice Upon A Time. She's clearly learned her lesson - hopefully the show has too!