Doctor Who: 10 Things That STILL Don't Make Sense

1. Where Did He Get The Tea?

Doctor Who Day of the Moon Amy Pond
BBC Studios

Many of the items on this list are unintentional oversights and some are conscious contradictions, but this moment from The Witch’s Familiar is the perfect example of the show acknowledging exactly what it is – campy fun.

Upon stealing Davros’ chair and giving us one of the most ludicrously brilliant visuals in the show's history, the Twelfth Doctor escapes extermination, emerging from a storm of Dalek weapon fire entirely unscathed and holding a cup of tea.

He even questions this himself, before offering a very simple explanation: “I’m the Doctor, just accept it."

This is Steven Moffat staring down the camera lens and telling us to stop making top ten lists about inconsistencies in the show, and he has a point. Most of the time, it’s best to sit back, enjoy the ride, and not ask too many questions along the way. In our experience, it’s best to let Who do Who.

But seriously though, where did he get the tea? And does he take milk and sugar? So many questions!

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Matt Smith Doctor Who the Eleventh Doctor
BBC Studios

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.