Doctor Who: 10 Things We'd Like To See Explored In The Books

1. The Temple-Nobles

temple nobles We come at last to my favorite character of all of Doctor Who: Donna Noble. I came into the fandom by a slightly convoluted path. My best friend insisted that I watch this one funny scene in a TV show that she liked. I watched the line about €œThree Doctors€ and €œI can't tell you what I'm thinking.€ I didn't get it. So she made me watch the rest of the scene. I still didn't get it. She made me watch the episode, stopping every minute or so to explain why things were funny. I thought this was the stupidest show I had ever seen. Of course I did. She had introduced me to a show by the Season 4 finale. Luckily, I gave her three more chances and said that if I didn't like the show after three episodes of her choice, I didn't have to watch it ever again. The clever girl chose "The Empty Child," "The Doctor Dances" and "Blink." I never looked back, but she always gets irritated when I tell that story. The one character I loved from the start was Donna. When, a few months later, I started watching the show from the beginning, I missed Donna. I hated getting to Season 4 and knowing that she would be gone in a few more episodes. I thought it such a waste that in €œThe End of Time, Part 1,€ we see that Donna is stuck at another dead-end job, making tuppence. Even with the memory wipe, I had hoped that her change in character would stick around. I hoped that she would be off doing something amazing with her life. So when the Doctor popped back a few years to borrow a quid from Geoffrey Noble and bought his best friend a lottery ticket, I started getting ideas. With a winning triple rollover lottery ticket in her...ahem...dress, Donna was poised to finally do everything she had been too poor or too unmotivated to achieve. So, where did we go from there? Is there a Donna Noble out there who got a PhD without needing financial aid so there's now a Doctor Donna? Did she travel the world? How did her family benefit from her sudden windfall? Did she ever get a hint as to who gave her the winning numbers? So far, it seems we won't ever know.
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Doctor Who
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That's Kaki pronounced like the pants, thank you very much, my family nickname and writing name. I am a Red Sox-loving, Doctor Who-quoting, Shaara-reading walking string quartet of a Mormon writer from Boston. I currently work 40 hours at a stressful desk job with a salary that lets me pick up and travel to places like Ireland or Philadelphia. I have no husband or kids, but I have five nephews to keep me entertained. When not writing, working or eating too much Indian food, I'm always looking for something new to learn, whether it's French or family history.