Doctor Who: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Ncuti Gatwa

6. He's Not Allowed To Swear In Costume

Doctor Who Third Doctor Fifteenth Doctor
BBC Studios

When he met Millie Gibson at her audition to play Ruby Sunday, Gatwa remembers that he felt they would've been in trouble if they'd been at school together.

This turned out to be quite perceptive, as both he and Gibson got a telling off from headteacher Russell T Davies quite early in their time on Doctor Who.

In a fairly innocuous behind-the-scenes clip, Ncuti and Millie were filmed walking past their trailers together, and Ncuti introduces Millie as "Millie effing Gibson".

It's a throwaway off-the-cuff statement, but RTD didn't see it that way, and soon called Ncuti into his office to give him a dressing down for his F-bomb.

RTD said that he could say and do whatever he wanted while out of costume, but that he had to be more careful while dressed as the Doctor.

Oh how things have changed from the classic era, when Tom Baker swore at K9 in one of the BBC's annual Christmas tapes!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.