Doctor Who: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Ncuti Gatwa

4. He's The Second Doctor To Work With Ryan Gosling

Doctor Who Third Doctor Fifteenth Doctor
Warner Bros. Pictures

Everyone knows that Ncuti Gatwa starred alongside Ryan Gosling in Barbie. We've all seen the image of Gosling wearing a fan-made Fifteenth Doctor t-shirt, and we all saw them bring the house down at this year's Oscars.

However, Gatwa isn't the first Doctor to cross paths with the La La Land star.

In 2013, Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith was cast in Lost River, Gosling's flawed yet fascinating directorial debut. Smith played Bully, a deranged criminal who's not above a bit of grandstanding. To play Bully, Smith had to shave his head, which is why he's wearing a wig throughout his final Doctor Who episode.

Gosling has revealed that the "Hello Stonehenge!" speech in The Pandorica Opens was his inspiration for casting Smith in the movie, which he caught a bit of when the episode was on TV.

All of which is why, when Gatwa told Gosling he was going to be the Doctor, Gosling replied with "Doctor Who is the coolest show in the world, man!"

Interestingly, rumours emerged last year that Gosling will soon be appearing alongside Gatwa in Doctor Who. Stranger things have happened!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.