Doctor Who: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Weeping Angels

2. They've Faced More Doctors Than You Think

Doctor Who Weeping Angels
Big Finish Productions

While we've only seen the Angels face the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors in the main TV show, there's an enormous world of Doctor Who expanded media out there - comics, novels, audio dramas, and the like - in which some of the other Doctors have also bumped into the stone-cold antagonists.

For instance, the Angels are the main enemy in A Little Help From My Friends, a Thirteenth Doctor comic-book story that also features the Tenth Doctor.

The Eighth Doctor encountered them in the Big Finish audio drama The Side of the Angels, while the iconic statues were pitted against the Fifth Doctor in another audio drama, Fallen Angels. They also popped up in Secret Agent Man, a Ninth Doctor comic-book released in 2017.

They've appeared in all sorts of other places too, and if you're hungry for more Weeping Angel action, then there's plenty of stuff out there for you to enjoy.

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