Doctor Who: 10 Things You Need To Accept To Be A Whovian

2. Heartbreak

Heartbreak within Doctor Who comes in many forms. From realising that Spaceship UK is being piloted by a Space Whale, to the inevitable end of our favourite companion. One thing the writers of Doctor Who are very good at are creating characters that we love and then pulling the rug out from underneath them. One particularly heart-breaking episode was the 2007 Christmas special, in which we lost four very popular characters that were only ever met in this episode. The lovable Zocci, Bannakaffalatta, Morvin and Foon Van Hoff, two happily married humanoids, prize drawe winners from the planet of Sto and of course Astrid Peth. What was even more wrenching about the deaths of these four interesting and lovable characters, was the survival of the utterly loathable Rickston Slade. Of course, moments of heartbreak can come in much greater forms. Watching The Doctor hold the body of the fallen Master, asking him to regenerate so they could travel space and time together. Amy€™s pain at the apparent death of her true love, only to forget him moments later. Donna Noble having to forget everything she€™s seen and done, all to go back to her old life after changing so much. And of course, that inevitable moment when your Doctor finally€ Let€™s not talk about it. This kind of sorrow comes hand in hand with being a Whovian. Fans know it€™s coming, and sometimes can see where it€™s coming from. Every now and again, however, viewers are sideswiped by something they have never expected and when that happens, when that time comes, you can almost hear the hearts of a nation break as one.
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Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.