Doctor Who: 10 Times A Companion Stole The Show

8. Pond€™s Goodbye

Amelia Pond was the first face the Eleventh Doctor saw. An inquisitive young girl who, by the end of The Eleventh Hour, had become a young woman. She was there at the start and - in the Doctor's mind, at least - she was there at the end. She was, arguably, the most important person in the Doctor's life, during Smith's era. The events of The Angels Take Manhattan led the Doctor, Amy, Rory and River to New York where they came across a plot by the Weeping Angels to create a time loop by which a person would see the moment of their own death, before being sent back in time and living what they'd just seen. Creepy. At the centre of this story was Rory, who was the main focus of the Angels' attention. Just as every fan felt safe in the knowledge that Amy and Rory would head off into the sunset arm in arm, Rory was touched by an Angel and sent back in time, thus leaving his name etched on a gravestone where he had just been stood. It was this that showed some real truths. Firstly, the Doctor cared about Amy more than anyone. He was willing to say anything, even contradict himself as concerns going back in time to New York, in order to stop himself from losing his best friend. Secondly, it is revealed that Amelia Williams' one true love, in the end, really was Rory. She gave up the raggedy man and her daughter, all to spend the rest of her life in New York with the boy who waited.

Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.