Doctor Who: 10 Times The Doctor Gave Zero F*cks About His Companions

1. Ignoring Graham's Health Concerns

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Amy Pond Karen Gillan

Series 12's Can You Hear Me? tackled mental health issues, with the Doctor, Ryan, Yaz and Graham experiencing strange visions that affect each of them emotionally.

At one point, Graham has a vision that he's lying on a hospital bed, where Grace informs him that his cancer has returned, and that he only has a few hours to live. It's a sad moment and it really upsets Graham, so at the end of the episode, he seeks counsel and support from the Doctor... only for her to pretty much wave him away.

While she acknowledges that she should reassure him, what she actually decides to do is to slink away and fiddle with the TARDIS console. She says that she's "socially awkward" and that she doesn't know what to say, but this just makes her look like an insensitive idiot who doesn't give a damn about Graham's troubled state of mind.

She couldn't even muster up a quick "don't worry, stay positive!" comment? What about a simple hug? The Doctor has always been socially awkward, and yet, past versions of the character have comforted their companions whenever they're in distress.

Thirteen, on the other hand, got this one badly wrong - she really should've been more thoughtful in her approach.

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