Doctor Who: 10 Times The Ninth Doctor Totally Owned Everyone

1. "What Are You Gonna Do, Moisturise Me?"

This has to be by far the greatest burn ever. It€™s got all the classic ingredients of a great burn. Nefarious human (well, a 'sort of' human), Time Lord, opportunity, strike and score. Who could argue with that logic? Because, to be honest, Lady Cassandra was not just a pretty face. She was the best and worst human at the same time. In other words, she was a total bitch. And as usual, this was justified. And it was fantastic. The casual, "Come at me, bro" stance also contributes massively to the effect of this burn, which just goes to show even more that the Ninth Doctor was fantastic. This is to say something when people criticise for you for the endless Doctor Who references, or ask you to put away your quizzical Seventh Doctor jumper, or worse, ask you to suck it up and stop crying over the regenerations because once a Whovian, always a Whovian. What did you think of this list? Are there any other times the Ninth Doctor totally owned everyone around him? Join the conversation in the comments section below.
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