Doctor Who: 10 Villains They Should Probably Retire

7. The Roboforms

The Roboforms As much as I like having Doctor Who on my TV every Christmas, the storylines are always very weak and light-hearted. The aliens are just as weak as the storylines, and the Roboforms have to be one of the worst from RTD's era. Their purpose is to help those that need it, and the idea of that is okay I guess... The main problem with Christmas episodes is that they're based on Christmas and not really important issues from Doctor Who. If you don't watch Doctor Who regularly, you can get away with watching the Christmas episodes. It seems that during Christmas they cater more to those that don't usually watch it than to those that do. And well, the idea of having deadly robots dressed as Santa is just stupid.
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Doctor Who
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Name a fandom and I am probably in it. Doctor Who is my life and all I do at home is watch TV and films... In bed, with food...