Doctor Who: 10 Ways An American Reboot Could Work

3. A Different Zeitgeist

doctor who It€™s time we admitted it: for such a €˜quintessentially British€™ series, Doctor Who has some incredibly American roots. Its 1963-89 cliffhanger format derives from the Hollywood movie serial, and in its time it€™s overtly pillaged such American subgenres as B-movie SF, Star Trek-style space opera, and X-Files-esque conspiracy thriller (although admittedly Torchwood is the bigger Mulder/Scully plagiarist). Why wouldn€™t Americans be just as capable of essaying these genres as Britons?
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Hamish Crawford writes fiction more easily than fact. His first volume of short fiction, “A Madhouse, Only With More Elegant Jackets”, was published in 2011 from First Edition Publishing. He has an English degree from the University of Calgary and a Screenwriting M.A. from the University of Westminster, which leaves little space on the wall for his several PhD. rejection letters. His stories and articles have appeared in such publications as NoD and the Cult Britannia website ( In September he will be speaking at a Doctor Who 50th anniversary conference in Hertfordsire. The owner of far more hats than heads, Hamish currently lives in Canada, and is disappointed that the preceding biography contains so few factual errors. Visit his website: