Doctor Who: 10 Worst "New-Who" Episodes Ever

9. The Idiot's Lantern

Doctor Who The Power of Three
BBC Studios

Season 2 of the revived Doctor Who, a.k.a the first season to feature David Tennant as the shows highly-praised Tenth Doctor is actually a very hit and miss season. It features episodes that are still remember today as incredible masterpieces including The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, The Girl In The Fireplace and of course that tear-filled finale.

However, it also featured some major duds and this is the first one to appear on our list. The Idiot’s Lantern sees The Doctor and Rose travel back to 1953, just in time to see the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. It’s a world so similar and yet so different to our own, which makes the setting an interesting choice. The idea behind the episode isn’t a terrible one either; a very hungry alien takes advantage of the rapidly growing market for televisions to net itself some tasty meals. Doing so leaves the victim as a (literally) faceless husk and, when one gets Rose Tyler, The Doctor will stop at nothing to rescue her and stop the alien force.

Unfortunately, the episode doesn’t quite live up to its potential. The central villain, known as The Wire, never actually becomes the threat you think it will and its repeated shrill screams of “HUNGRRRYYYYYY” are just annoying. There’s also a ham-fisted subplot around a suspiciously militant father who is never quite confirmed to be abusive. Overall, not the show’s finest hour.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.