Doctor Who: 10 Worst "New-Who" Episodes Ever

4. The Tsuranga Conundrum

Doctor Who The Power of Three

Chris Chibnall appears again on our list with his 2018 episode The Tsuranga Conundrum which sees The Doctor and friends accidentally caught in the blast of a sonic mine. They awake onboard the Tsuranga, a mostly-automated space ship on its way to a medical facility.

Also aboard is a mysterious little alien called a Pting which eats…well, practically everything. As the seemingly adorable creature turns out to be a very hungry little menace, The Doctor and her friends are forced to race around the ship, desperately trying to get rid of the diminutive creature.

Along the way Ryan and Graham also end up involved in a storyline revolving around a young man who has become pregnant (long story) and wind up helping him through the birthing process. There is also a subplot involving the ship captain and her brother and a simmering disagreement between them.

The Tsuranga Conundrum largely suffers from feeling both cluttered and sparse at the same time. There’s a lot going on here but none of it ever feels like it means anything. The episode manages to wring a little bit of emotion out of the pregnant gentleman subplot but not enough to keep the episode interesting. The Pting itself, whilst admittedly adorable and a nice change from the usual tentacle-wielding blobs that populate the show, it is ultimately not interesting and the CGI is not particularly great, leaving this as one of the lesser episodes of the Thirteenth Doctor era.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.