5. The Long Game
While there are plot-related issues in this story, my biggest problem involves the characterization. A lot of people cite the second series as having the Doctor and Rose at their most unlikeable, but I disagree - I think it's in this episode. They've taken Adam along for an adventure not because they value him as a person or enjoy his company, but rather so that they can feel superior to him. They essentially make a few disparaging remarks about him and his (totally understandable) culture shock, then leave him to his own devices. Of course he's going to end up with a chip installed his brain! What did they expect? Now I'm not arguing that Adam wasn't a selfish little twit, but honestly, that's why you don't take people along for a ride if you don't trust them. What happened to the Doctor only taking along the very best? His words, not mine. Add to that the underwhelming villain in the Mighty Jagrafess and the totally unsubtle commentary on the nature of media, and you've got a pretty lackluster episode of Doctor Who.