Doctor Who: 10 Worst NuWho Villains

7. Krasko (Rosa)

Doctor Who The Abzorbaloff
BBC Studios

Rosa is one of the strongest episodes of Series 11, but one of the issues holding it back from greatness is its underwhelming villain, a "space racist" called Krasko.

With unclear motivations and a performance that's so laid back that actor Joshua Bowman almost seems disinterested, the episode loses its momentum whenever his greased-up hair enters the frame.

So, why are those motivations unclear? Well, Krasko is determined to stop Rosa Parks from making her world-changing stand against racial segregation, which is certainly an evil enough plan - but the problem is that he never explains why he wants to do this.

The episode seems to be going for a quick and easy "because he's racist" angle, which might have worked with a better script, but here, this bare-bones motivation just makes Krasko a less compelling character.

Something else that also works against him is that he feels totally superfluous to the story. The bus driver is such a nasty piece of work from start to end that it's honestly unclear why Krasko needed to be here in the first place. He feels shoehorned into the plot, almost like writers Chris Chibnall and Malorie Blackman wrote a pure historical with no sci-fi elements, panicked, then added in Krasko at the last minute.

Based on how under-developed and flat he is... that wouldn't be a surprise.

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